Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Using the iPad in Ms. Ballard's Classroom

Today, Ms. Ballard's class used the iPad to look at thought-provoking National Geographic photos using the Nat Geo Today app.  Our purpose for the activity was to use our inner voices to help us react to something we see or read.  The photo we looked at today was of a fire "tornado."  Our minds were overflowing with reactions to the photo!  Students were able to react to the photo by making connections and asking questions.  It was a wonderful way to introduce students to thinking critically using their inner voices. 

The app makes it so easy for us to pull up the photo of the day quickly so we can spend more time with that higher-order thinking.  The iPad is easy to use under the document camera and allows for students to be engaged with technology.

Ms. Ballard's class, along with all of the Dana teachers, would like to thank Mr. Jones for encouraging higher-order thinking and 21st century skills.  We love having our iPads as a tool for learning in our classrooms! 

Thank you!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Smart Table in Kindergarten

Mrs. Bagwell's Kindergarten Class uses the Smart Table in the classroom each day.  The math activities are their favorite activities!  Her students really enjoy working in small groups and touching the Smart Table at the same time.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First In Math

Mrs. Godley's class has recently been playing the games on a FABULOUS website called First In Math.  You can get there by clicking on this link or entering  in the address bar.  We play it individually on the classroom computers, on the Smartboard as a whole class, and individually at home.  The games on this site help us review and master our 4th grade math skills.  What is your favorite game on this site?  Why is it so much fun?


Probability Practice

In Mrs. Owen's class, this 3rd grade student is getting some probability practice and explaining his thinking to his friends.

Reading Data

In 3rd grade this week, we have been studying different types of data and how to read graphs. The students have been deep in conversation creating and analyzing their own data.

Morning Calendar

Each morning in second grade, students have calendar time on the SMARTboard. They discuss strategies for solving problems and have a chance to show what they know. Here on the 159th day of school, a student in Mrs. D. Clark's class is showing four different ways to represent the number.  Here's a question for you...If today is day 159 and there are 182 school days, how many more days of school are left?

Computer Lab

Students use computers in the computer lab and the classroom.  In this picture, students are using classroom computers to read and listen to text related to their science curriculum.